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AI copyright on Wikiloops

AI copyright on Wikiloops

posted on #1
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We try to understand how the intellectual property rights required in Wikiloops are affected when starting a jam or a remix with some emerging AIs
posted on #2
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I have read this in Udio. It is compatible to upload a song to Wikiloops in this way?:

Udio – Content FAQs
Do I own the songs and artwork I generate using Udio?
We do not claim any ownership over the content you generate using Udio in response to your inputs. See Udio’s Terms of Service for more detailed information about ownership of the content generated using Udio.

Can I share the content I generate using Udio on social media?
Yes, as long as the content does not contain copyrighted material that you do not own or have explicit permission to use, and as long as you properly indicate that the content was generated using Udio. See Udio’s Terms of Service for more detailed information about the usage rules for content generated using Udio.

Can I use the content I generate using Udio for commercial purposes?
For example, can I distribute the music I generate on music streaming platforms? Can I include it in a monetized video on YouTube? Can I license it for use in TV/movies/advertisements/etc.? Yes, as long as the content does not contain copyrighted material that you do not own or have explicit permission to use, and as long as you properly indicate that the content was generated using Udio. See Udio’s Terms of Service for more detailed information about the usage rules for content generated using Udio"

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posted on #3
Dick Supporter
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Nope, it is not.

The wikiloops license asks you to be the sole author of anything you upload (in case of remixes, the other wikiloops authors already consented, so you must be the sole author of what you added in the remix scenario). This is not the case if you upload udio generated content.

If you read the second "answer" to the social media question really carefully, then you will spot a remarkable legal twist there:
They remind you not to upload copyright-breaching content to social media.
The question was not about uploading anything other than udio generated content... why mention copyright infringement here?
I guess because it is technically possible udio will accidently generate a track which breaches composition rights in some legal realm, so they need to warn you about that - without explicitly saying so.

We have not even seen the start of copyright claims against AI audio generators, this will get very interesting to watch... but we should make sure wikiloops does not get caught in any of that.
posted on #4
MySounds Supporter
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Just to add to this: only human-generated content can be copyrighted. That means, according to current state of legal discussions in the US, that you do not have copyright ownership and/or protection of content you upload that was created by AI.

Besides not being able to mark the checkbox about your rights when uploading, you are also putting the add up without any protection. Anyone could re-use it and put their name to it as it 'swims in the WL pond' without copyright protection.

This also means that you might get into difficulties trying to monetize ai tracks through publishing rights. If someone would find out later that you weren't the original copyright owner the publishing companies might want to have a serious word with you.
posted on #5
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Thank you for your comments, I like to have legal and friendly support in what I do.
Each culture has different values about the ownership of intellectual rights.
In Japan, in art, everyone signs the work, those who have made the paper or the brush as well.
In some areas of Africa, the more they copy, the better for the author, without copy rights.
I say this because the authors of the work could be many more than those on the jam list.
Udio It specifies that it must be stated that its technology has been used.
It's okay to write down used technologies.
Yes, we are waiting to see how lawsuits are opened against AIs for abusing copyright.
Yes, caution in direct use.
In the payment options it is inspiring for me and other musicians as a composition tool
posted on #6
MySounds Supporter
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Just one more thought on this. Dick is much too friendly to point this out wheras I can be a real bastard on occasion, so here goes: there is a danger that changes to terms and conditions on ai sites can lead to a situation where the user is granted the right to use ai generated content but the ai company retains the copyright (something similar happened a couple of years ago with some google services). The consequence could be that suddenly the ai company can make a claim on a part of WL content. Which is why you should not cheat on the copyright/ownership checkbox when uploading to WL.

The fun stops the second anyone with business interests gets involved. If ai uploads can (in theory) be a door opener for legal claims...

It's not about best intentions and harmless fun and wrong or right, it's about protecting WL from business interests that have a legal basis. Which is why I think Dick is right in being restrictive. The world is not always a nice place, so let's at least keep WL safe.
posted on #7
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Joined: Sep 21, 2013
Good My Sound!

We will wait for the music business to stabilize, which is not with us.

And although AI companies promise not to complain about its use, it remains to be seen.

"The world is not always a nice place, so let's at least keep WL safe"

It is a matter of knowing how to take advantage of these magnificent tools of inspiration and composition without them affecting us.

posted on #8
Fivestringer Supporter
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AI that promises not to complain? I dont know who's financing this but if streaming platforms can generate (almost) free AI-music, directly or indirectly through a daugtherfirm, you can predict the influence that is gained when they also are controlling the presented playlists. Less plays, less popularity and less to payout. It's almost like the managers that decide that the man who controls the bridge is too expensive and they fire him.
Except this time it could be working... And without idols, making music might become a dying hobby. But luckily AI companies won't complain.
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posted on #9
Posts: 14
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I think that AI will shape our future in every conceivable way. Personal opinion doesn't matter, because it won't stop this development. There are too many opportunities for profit in it and we are living in predatory capitalism and neo-fascism.

I don't have any optimistic ideas about that. Music and Ai will probably get married. Just think of the whole advertising music industry, commercial hit factories, film and other background music. If you are running a business like that, it's already possible to file for bankruptcy.

For those who don't know this yet. There are now AI plugins for DAW software on the market that generate specific song parts such as drums, bass, vocals etc. for your composition at the touch of a button (e.g. Unison). Where is the dividing line to be drawn?

Of course, this will not remain a playground in the future, as is currently the case. Where anyone can create license-free pieces of music at will and use them commercially without any prior musical knowledge. In a matter of seconds and for penny amounts.

In the future, there will most likely be a legal regulation in favor of the then powerful AI companies and all copyright rights and commercial revenues will then go to them.

with best regards from the brave new world
posted on #10
bassMonkey Supporter
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I've collaborated with some folks that I've connected with via (W/L) that have incorporated AI into the project. (John Boda in particular)

I think the results are fascinating though John does not post them on W/L, you can find them on his YouTube channel. He also has an AI creation (Zarabeth) who he often gets to riff on lyrics that I have supplied. Uncomfortably close to my style but I'd still say a little clumsy.

I have been experimenting with images generated by ChatGPT fuelled only with a poem/lyric that I wrote. Most are good, some are utterly stunning so either I write very descriptively or its reading my mind (maybe somewhere between the two).

I have tried to give little or no other direction just to eval results (done over 200) - although with one lyric I wrote and liked a great deal ("The Loss of the Packet" - great version on here by Axenvocs) I found myself shouting "THERE IS ONLY ONE SHIP AND ITS F***ING SINKING" at the screen on the 3rd try...

Two issues I have taken up with ChatGPT are (1) Any text that appears in the image is often mangled and (2) Any people generated are overwhelmingly Caucasian. Both of these are blamed on algo problems that will get better but (2) is a particular worry.

Have I tried it with lyrics? - Once or twice when stuck and whilst I didn't use the results (just plain didn't like 'em) It DID get me off thinking in unexpected directions.

As we have seen though, there is now good enough software around to completely create a fairly anodyne pop song that people will like and buy. And I mean everything lyrics, music production and singer - but yes m'learned friends are still arguing about royalties.

Much kudos to MySounds' input above, well thought out, well put and above all correct. (He MAY be a "Bastard" as he claims but he is a smart one)
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