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Report inapropriate content & request moderator support

Report inapropriate content & request moderator support

Contacting the wikiloops moderation team

Logged in members may get in touch with the wikiloops moderation team thru the private messaging offered within wikiloops by sending a message to the user profile "wikiloops", which serves as the central moderator contact inbox.

If you do not hold a members account, you may use the guest contact form to get in touch.

To report a copyright violation, please follow the procedure described in the linked article.

To request help with a technical problem, please refer to the "How to report a bug"-article.

A quick alternative way of asking a question which you could not find answered in the help section (please do use the help sections search function!) is to ask a question via the wikiloops "shoutbox" chat-panel.

If you have spotted images, comments or other user-written text which you feel is inappropriate and not conform to our community guidelines, please contact the moderation team immediatly so we can remove such content and take appropriate action to let the author of such inappropriate content know they crossed a line.

If you are in conflict with a wikiloops user or are receiving unwanted or inapropriate messages thru the private message system provided by wikiloops get in touch with a moderator as well, or make use of the private-message-blocking function.

To contact the moderation team by wikiloops internal message, log in and follow these steps:

Navigate to your messages page by clicking on the "Envelope"-icon on the right side of the top navigation bar.
On the messages overview page, enter "wikiloops" into the "Enter username"-form field offered at the top of the page, then confirm by clicking the "write new message"-button.
On the opened page, enter your message and click on the "send"-button once you are done.
A wikiloops moderator will get back to you as soon as possible.
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