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Member meeting 2024 report

Member meeting 2024 report

Hey there, friends of wikiloops :)

I just got done editing the video material of this years wikiloops meeting,
so here comes the collected footage for those who like to check it out :)


Now, I assume you prefer to check out the videos instead of reading a lot of text, so,
let me be quick and just say:
It was once more a happy gathering, and I'd like to thank [url=https://www.wikiloops.com/artist/moonchild]moonchild[/url] (USA), [url=https://www.wikiloops.com/artist/marmotte]marmotte[/url] (France),
[url=https://www.wikiloops.com/artist/Diana]Diana[/url] (Germany), [url=https://www.wikiloops.com/artist/Navota]Navota[/url] (Netherlands), [url=https://www.wikiloops.com/artist/ajax]ajax[/url] (Germany), [url=https://www.wikiloops.com/artist/Fivestringer]Fivestringer[/url] (Netherlands), [url=https://www.wikiloops.com/artist/OliVBee]OliVBee[/url] (France),
[url=https://www.wikiloops.com/artist/marc]marc[/url] (Germany), [url=https://www.wikiloops.com/artist/mySounds]mySounds[/url] (Germany), [url=https://www.wikiloops.com/artist/wjl]wjl[/url] (Germany), [url=https://www.wikiloops.com/artist/HarmonicScales]HarmonicScales[/url] (Germany), [url=https://www.wikiloops.com/artist/GeoWaEng]GeoWaEng[/url] (Germany), [url=https://www.wikiloops.com/artist/Baerenkind]Baerenkind[/url] (Germany), [url=https://www.wikiloops.com/artist/Wade]Wade[/url] (New Zealand), [url=https://www.wikiloops.com/artist/kimbo]kimbo[/url] (Cornwall, UK), [url=https://www.wikiloops.com/artist/adu]adu[/url] (Germany), [url=https://www.wikiloops.com/artist/TeeGee]TeeGee[/url] (Germany), [url=https://www.wikiloops.com/artist/Jypeka]Jypeka[/url] (France), [url=https://www.wikiloops.com/artist/Pewi]Pewi[/url] (Switzerland) and
[url=https://www.wikiloops.com/artist/karuma]karuma[/url] (Germany) for coming to the meeting.
Let me not forget to mention Monika (Germany), Martine (France), Remy (USA), Eris (Canada) and Berny (Germany) who also attended but are still in need of a wikiloops account, and of course the "artist in residence" [url=https://www.wikiloops.com/artist/Dick]Dick[/url], [url=https://www.wikiloops.com/artist/MrSnuts]MrSnuts[/url] and [url=https://www.wikiloops.com/artist/Baer]Baer[/url] who all joined the jams at some point ;)

Mind, the meeting was not about producing fancy video or recording the perfect sound,
I really tried to capture as much of the vibe as possible for those who stayed at home, so,
here it is:





and last but not least the [url=https://www.wikiloops.com/gallery.php?pic=7494&u=8868]image gallery[/url].

Looking forward to your comments and the participants reviews -
and looking forward to future events at the Barnadise, which -thanks to the participants help- passed it's test and turned out to be a great venue for jams like this one.
Soul-enriching, life-saving, inspiration-igniting… this meeting was everything I didn’t know I needed. The connections I made, the challenges I faced, the new flavors I tried (sonic and culinary)—I now treasure them all in a locket by my heart. The fire you all sparked in me? Blazing like a wildfire!

A few highlights: getting a bass lesson from both Fivestringer and Wjl—what an honor. And singing ‘Voices’ with one of my favorite guitarists, Olivbee, was a dream come true. Marmotte’s voice and epic creativity were literally healing, while watching Jypeka with his violin was mesmerizing. Breaking the ice with Navota up in the loft felt easy, and her artwork? Stunning, just like her sweet soul. Kimbo’s omelettes were as tasty as his guitar licks—he even taught me how to say Worcestershire (which is still a tongue-twister). Watching beautiful Monika sipping her tea in the garden brought peace to my soul. Deep chats with HarmonicScales about habits and raspberry stuck with me in such a good way.

GeoWaEng introduced me to new instruments and circular breathing, and jamming with Pewi on his magic flute in the flesh was surreal. Ajax and I even tried getting an old-fashioned metronome to work at the vacation home. I loved seeing her play the clarinet with Wade, too! Speaking of Wade, I enjoyed singing with his melodic soprano sax on stage, while splitting pastries with him offstage. Martine and I had a blast with our unconventional tortellini cooking methods, and Kimbo and I spent ages searching for a can opener—good times! Not to forget, spiritual chats with Eris that left me feeling uplifted, and Berny’s guitar playing style, which hella inspired me.

I also loved learning how to order breakfast in German and trying delicious new cheeses with my dear Remy, who as a Wikiloops newbie, surprised me when he really opened up and jumped right in on the jams. Watching Baerenkind tear it up on the drums was electric, and Marc’s infectious laughter and multi-instrument bad-assery brought me joy every single time I heard him. TeeGee enlightened me with new music and books, and Adu rocked it on the grill, serving me some of the best chicken I’ve ever tasted.

I’ll never forget how it all started: I was so friggin nervous, but being warmly greeted on the first day by Kai and Dick with friendly smiles and delicious mint tea brewed from Diana’s beautiful, abundant, flowery garden set the tone for a week I’ll never forget.

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart! I really mean it when I say you touched my soul. I’m so grateful for these moments and can’t wait until we meet again. Until then, I’ll be jamming on the loops with so much love!
September 11, 2024 at 1:48 PM
TeeGee <3 +1
New friends, new inspirations...

It wasn`t just the annual icing on the Wikiloops cake. It was also a confirmation that our music is real, that jamming together is a different kind of fun than adding to templates, that getting to know the people and faces behind the avatars helps to understand the hows and whys of what we listen to on Wikiloops.

It was more than a fun event, it was satisfying. Apart from that, I second everything moonchild said.
September 9, 2024 at 5:08 PM
moonchild Oof I knew I’d forgotten someone! a special memory with you, Thomas! I watched you mostly from afar, asking others “who is that man in the blue hat?” and then finally, sharing a few moments in the tool room, I learned about your impressive marathon piano playing :D please to meet you and hope we meet again! +2
What a lovely event that was, and what a good time we all had - thanks once more for that :) <3 And everything that Devin (moonchild) wrote already. :) Miss you all already, can't wait to see you again... +9
That's perfect, because I was quite close to the place, at my 93-year-old uncle's house in Metz. It wasn't the right time, given his age. But I promise to join you one day. It won't be easy, because it's a long way from the Pyrenees, but the pleasure and the desire are there. Well done to all👍 +6
Pleasure pure ! <3 +6
Tolle Videos und Fotostrecke - sehr stimmungsvoll ! +5
Such a thrill to see you all make this great music! Too bad i wasn't able to join this feast!

The ambience shows a very special weekend for you all! <3
September 9, 2024 at 9:56 PM
MySounds See you there next year +4
September 9, 2024 at 10:02 PM
Marceys That’s the plan! +3
See you next year !!!!! +3
September 11, 2024 at 1:49 PM
TeeGee You better be there Brother Tof!! +2
September 13, 2024 at 6:07 PM
adu Genau!!! :D +0
Too bad I wasn't able to join you guys this year, I hope to see you maybe next year?:);) +2
My only frustration is my poor English which prevents me from joining you. It is a hindrance for me because I like verbal exchange :| +2
September 28, 2024 at 1:55 PM
wjl Thierry - Jean-Paul (Jypeka) was there, also Olivier (OliVBeee) who could translate a bit. Plus some of us might know a little bit of French, so next time let's just try, shan't we? :) +2
September 28, 2024 at 5:20 PM
titi Hi Wolfgang .Yes I know :) I get by a little, but the more I know, the less I know. The fact is that I understand more than I speak :D +2
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