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+ 13
Jan 29, 2015
This song is very special to us for several reasons. On the top of the list is the superb addition of RobM's talented guitar playing. Thank you, Rob.
Harley Benton G112 Celestion V30
Harley Benton G112 Celestion V30
Cabinet for Electric Guitar
169 €
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Very nice!!:) +2
January 30, 2015 at 10:02 AM
Marianne Thank you, Mishteria :) +2
great colla'b between you guys!:)love the contrast between spoken word and Rob's wonderful guitar playing:) Big Thumbs for sure!;) +2
January 30, 2015 at 10:03 AM
Marianne Thank you, pico, so much! We all had a ton of fun :) +1
Lenny Cowler
super girls:) +2
January 30, 2015 at 10:04 AM
Marianne Thank you, Lenny, for your super response :) +1
January 30, 2015 at 10:10 AM
Lenny Cowler
Lenny Cowler :) +0
Fantastic !! +2
January 30, 2015 at 10:05 AM
Marianne Wonderful response from you, cody! :) +3
so cool ;o) +2
January 30, 2015 at 10:05 AM
Marianne Thank you, Uli, glad you enjoyed :) +1
Very nice work from you both. Your wah-wah playing is cool, RobM=) +2
January 30, 2015 at 10:08 AM
Marianne Thank you, SlonMusic, for your wonderful recognition of Rob's talent and our collaboration :) +2
i want to give you a hug and a blanket to warm your naked soul when listening to this. it is extremely touching, and very brave. and i will go now and take the image of the raindrop on lush, green grass with me through the day. thank you, ladies and rob, for this extraordinary track! *bows out* +2
January 30, 2015 at 10:11 AM
Marianne *bows in*....thank you so very much, machete, for your extraordinary observation and compliment to our song and collaboration with Rob. It's been an honor to create this song with each other! :) +1
Fantastica +1
January 30, 2015 at 10:06 AM
Marianne Thank you for your 'Fantastica' response, ivax :) +1
This is so wonderful! There are many terrific talents here at da loops, but you are very special. +1
February 3, 2015 at 9:29 AM
Marianne WOW...Liesching your response is the most beautiful and rewarding encouragement to us and our creativity here on Wiki! :) +0
well, Ladies and Gentleman - this was a good one.
music was especially well done and the balance between it and voice was divine:
1:03 - delicious squealing!!
1:59 - beautiful bending
4:17 - wow! i'm a new fan, Rob!
Marianne - i really want to SEE your lyrics - cuz i'm one of those who likes a good read, as well as listen. I couldn't hear a few places well - mostly endings of phrases - and so wanted to. you're such a writer from the heart - and i like the way you approach such an emotional conundrum with a rather biznesslike tone…."some days are worse than others…"
"but will there be a new beginning?" - i imagine i hear a little wistfulness in your voice…perfect.
tears treasured for eternity…beautiful!!!
it's always a pleasure to hear words come out of your mouth - you have a true gift of voice.
wonderful slice of poignancy, people!
February 5, 2015 at 5:37 AM
Marianne Anne, so very wonderful to be reading how you felt and what you thought about this song; you are special! I wish you could have seen the blushing from top to toe...well, and that proud as punch smile! :) :) :) +0
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