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Garage Jam

Session template
United States
zeno44 13 jams
no additional instruments available so far
post your remix!
+ 2
Jan 24, 2015
Just a straight rock jam with a tempo change at the chorus. Really need drums, bass, and whatever else you want to add.
Tagged as / Sounds like:
alternative, rock, jam, acdc
the t.bone Ovid System CC 100
the t.bone Ovid System CC 100
Condenser Clip Microphone for Ovid System
49 €
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Cool, I like it! +1
January 24, 2015 at 10:58 PM
zeno44 Thanks! It's the first thing I've uploaded here. Definitely needs drums and bass. +1
January 25, 2015 at 10:42 AM
paulus I am sure this will be not the only track from you. It is a lot of fun to jam to different tracks here on wikiloops. Maybe we could jam some songs together soon?! Have fun. +0
Lenny Cowler
perfect:) +1
I just checked out all your contributions - some good stuff among that! After listening to 9 templates, I would however like to remind you wikiloops is meant for collaboration, not for self-presentation :)
Join some other peoples tracks sometime, that's what the fun is all about here!
Welcome to wikiloops!
January 25, 2015 at 6:35 PM
zeno44 There's no self promotion here, just hoping some people add pieces. I've been trying to add drums to other people's tracks, but my drum recording setup leaves much to be desired. +0
January 25, 2015 at 8:36 PM
zeno44 There's definitely no self promotion going on here. I don't have a band, am not selling anything, etc. I put these tracks up hoping for collaboration. I'd love to see what people might add to them. I could play the rest of the parts myself, but I want to see what the community adds. +0
January 25, 2015 at 9:03 PM
Dick zeno, I surely did not mean to offend you or anything. All I wanted to say is if we all wanted to "see what the community ads" without adding to others tracks (or at least give some feedback), there would be little collaboration going on.
Thats nothing personal.
It does explain why some people have a lot of fun here, while others wait "for the community to add", tho :)
Its not rocket science, and again, I did not intend to blame you, I just wanted to give a friendly hint to a newbe member.
January 25, 2015 at 9:37 PM
zeno44 No offense and I didn't mean to double post. My mobile connection said the first one timed out.

I literally just found this site the other day and have been using it to practice my drumming. I've been trying to figure out how to record decent drum tracks so I can upload them, but so far my less than professional home set up isn't working particularly well for recording drums.

Ownership of my original compositions after offering them as collaborations

There are limits on what you can do with your music after sharing it for collaboration.
You need to know what they are. Upload with confidence. Which music use rights are being granted, and what does that mean?

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I am an active member on this awesome site since 2011 and i am jamming nearly every day with lots and lots of friends from all around the world ;)
Basster from Germany

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