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Acoustic Guitar & Vocals:
Jypeka 868 jams
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+ 5
Jul 10, 2024
Hello friends, the other day I went to play in a bar, and at the end of the concert I met a guy who is a guitarist, writes lyrics and has other people sing them So I told him about "Wikiloops". I asked him to send me a song, to put it online here. And see if anyone can add bass, drums... or anything else? The sound is not excellent (but it's a test I don't have separate HD voice... I'm counting ...
Tagged as / Sounds like:
Daddario EXL170
Daddario EXL170
Electric Bass String Set
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paroles très particulières avec un caractère I mais électrisantes, musique et chant très attrayants, j'aime ça<3;) +1
July 10, 2024 at 10:35 PM
Jypeka Merci (pour eux) Polo, j'ai été voir ton profil mais pas d'infos
Dis nous en un peu plus :)
Cool idea <3 +1
July 10, 2024 at 10:31 PM
Jypeka Merci madame :) +0
Belle façon de faire connaitre Wikiloops :W +1
July 10, 2024 at 10:30 PM
Jypeka Bah oui, je rencontre souvent des zicos " et toi qu'est ce que tu fais ? " ben Wikiloops!" ah oui j'ai déjà vu tes posts sur FB " je vais y aller un jour "hahaha" mais ils ne jouent que dans des groupes de reprises , ou ont un "ego" tellement gros que ? :D
C'est difficile d'inviter des gens ici

Well yes, I often meet zicos "and what are you doing?" well Wikiloops!" ah yes I have already seen your posts on FB "I'm going to go there one day" hahaha" but they only play in cover bands, or have such a big "ego" that? :D
It's hard to invite people here
Cool idea and record! ;) +1
July 11, 2024 at 6:03 PM
Jypeka Thanks Mario :) +1
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This is such a great idea, helping musicians to make music from anywhere around the world !
Tintin from Canada

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