Riffler AI Track 2

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United States
Bass, Drums & Guitar:
JoeOnBass 1519 jams
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+ 6
Oct 4, 2023
Another track with AI guitar formulated by Riffler. Thoughts on AI? Drums SD3, live bass.
Tagged as / Sounds like:
rock, metal
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Killer!:W +1
October 4, 2023 at 11:00 PM
JoeOnBass The Riffler software is interesting. +1
like the idea that guitarists need to proof by video , that they really played the guitar. I think that's only fair.
Modern Metal music sounds more and more like techno productions to me anyway.
But its a cool song I think.
I read AI produced music is already on spotify. It's an interesting question about the ownership of the copyright.:D
October 5, 2023 at 1:35 AM
JoeOnBass I wouldn't try to release AI video as a song, but i think in the EDM realm they do it every day. Nothing compares to a band in a room hammering it out and recording great songs, but this is a fun experiment, I'm sharing it with friends and peers here so they can consider the potentials. For me, it's really about getting my reps in and working out my passions - it's still robot music, but it's fun. :-) Thanks for checking it out. +1
October 5, 2023 at 5:42 PM
seriouss It's not bad. The fact that it sounds artificial also is interesting. Of course also ai needs to work with midi and that will not really sound like guitar...well, not now :) +1
October 5, 2023 at 6:03 PM
JoeOnBass This program does output MIDI, though I haven't done that part with it. +0
this is really cool, AI is taking over :o it's gonna give Polyphia a run for their money :) +1
October 5, 2023 at 3:04 AM
JoeOnBass Its fun but it doesn't beat the real deal. +1
October 5, 2023 at 4:56 PM
rootshell I like the musicality of this. makes me wonder how AI determines the patterns and melodic style to use. +1
October 5, 2023 at 6:02 PM
JoeOnBass this particular program seems to grab either scale or mode patterns and plays within different styles, wide scales patters, close chugga chugga styles, etc. it seems to use randomized chord tones and delivers them within a certain style. There's more than metal in the software but I haven't explored the blues, etc, yet. It's actually fun when you get drums and bass going on it. +1
October 5, 2023 at 6:57 PM
rootshell I actually have an idea of using it for inspiration sorta, like having it churn something out, learning a bit of it, then manipulating it to sorta personalize it. I may try it out and see what comes out haha +1
October 5, 2023 at 8:18 PM
JoeOnBass Your ideas are better and more humanized, but still, this guitar riff was cool, kind of like the Edge and U2. +1
October 6, 2023 at 1:19 AM
rootshell yeah, was thinking Edge for sure, really liked it. so i don't know theory or anything like that, i'm assuming you do...does AI sorta stay "in a lane" like major/minor/etc? or can you say 'write something in a mixolydian scale'? +0
October 6, 2023 at 1:47 AM
JoeOnBass The Riffler program lets you choose for instance, a 4 measure in Emaj (or min, or whatever, choose the "scale type") - then change keys on the same riff, or ask it to make another riff, and it does it in the same style. All these riffs in this song were just in A, I kept clicking "create riff" and made a new one. Then for the change, I did like G and F and took half of each, then started the metal tones, chose A and got three different riffs. it's mostly A, but it chooses notes around the scale to compliment it. If that helps, it was $15 and I just gave it a shot because it sounded good on the internet, but it's only for devices like iPad or phone, so you make a riff, then save it to your icolud drive, then pull it from icloud's folder to the desktop. it's not efficient, but it makes cool tracks to jam on. There's loads of styles, blues, metal, etc. Then you can choose the picking pattern type, the range of notes it uses in the scale, and just click Create A Riff. ... clearly I'm not a salesman, lol. +1
October 6, 2023 at 1:47 AM
JoeOnBass here;s the website: https://riffler.app/ +1

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