Little Man (bass add)

Andri 1448 jams
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ArkRockStudio 2040 jams
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JoeOnBass 1519 jams
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+ 5
Sep 25, 2023
I tried something, I hope it worked.
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Yeah, you added melodic bass counter melody. Works great! Enjoyed! I feel Im at a Dead show about to trip balls during the space jam. +1
September 25, 2023 at 6:33 AM
JoeOnBass I was never really a Dead fan, but my guitarist in my band is turning me on to them I saw John Mayer last night, his band played a Dead song and I was floored. Having Pino Paladino in the band helps, lol. Very intricate. I know Garcia was unique, I'm going to start learning more about their music, I'm becoming a fan. +1
September 25, 2023 at 8:38 PM
LittleWing I meant as compliment. They had a "free jam" part in their show for when the audiences acid kicked in, usually at the start of the second set. It was freeform and it just reminded me of Phil lesh's jazz melodies. They are definitley a live band. I would start with their albums Live Without A Net or Any of the "Daves Picks" Live albums (theres 20 or more of them).
Their studio albums actually dont even come close to representing them other then showing the audience on the tours what the songs will be.
They are great musicians in a live environment.They are also the most recorded bootlegged band because of this.
My favorite Dead track is "Fire on the Mountain" although there area few others. They are the kings of music for people tripping on LSD because they can make songs flow from 5 minutes to 1 hour and musically go different places within that time.

It was cool listening to you just compliment yhe others and play the bass around them.

If you havent seen this , its alot of famous musicians playing Janis Joplin. John Mayer steals the show twice. First time at 2:35 then again at 4:45. You can see the expressions on the other artists how much they dig Mayer.
September 25, 2023 at 9:28 PM
JoeOnBass I'll definitely check out that video. I often look back as having been a teen and not taking advantage of seeing the dead when Garcia was alive, hindsight is 20/20, you can't go back, but there are a lot of recordings of those live shows. I need more hours in the day to investigate but I'm eager to learn more about them. i wasn't a John Mayer fan at all either, then one day I decided to listen to the non-radio tracks and i was blown away. I was aware of his skillset, just never really listened. Seeing him the other night perform, I am definitely a fan now. Jakob Dylan too, he wasn't on my radar, but now I want to hear more. Catching bands live seems to change everything. +1
September 25, 2023 at 10:31 PM
LittleWing Same here. I am a recent Mayer fan.In that video, they are doing a Joplin song and at 4:54 he suddenly turns it into Steve Millers "The Joker" and watch everyones faces. Totally improvised.Freaking brilliant. +1
September 26, 2023 at 12:17 AM
JoeOnBass He really is amazing. +1
Well done Joe! +1
September 25, 2023 at 5:26 PM
JoeOnBass Thank you. I really enjoy Andri's tracks like this. It's an adventure in sound. +0
very cool. like being lost but just so content to be:W +1

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5 bucks for all I got from this site is nothing...I'm just an oldie (51) begineer guitar player and these backtrack are very very useful for my improvement.Thanks and Happy Christmas from Italy
jackanythi from Italy

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