In Your Mind - Vocals

United States
BooDoggie 72 jams
Remix step II
United States
Drums, Bass & Vocals:
BooDoggie 72 jams
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+ 4
Jun 8, 2023
Well, I tried to get a decent fretless bass part and some caned drumming added to this, but it's along way from what I could have done 20 years ago. The vocals are a bit rough in a few places and the bass sound is a bit boomy in the mix, but I wanted to upload this mostly for critique. So let me have it... Any criticism is good criticism... Really needs a great lead guitar riff in the 2 ...
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Wow this is awesome Roger .. very musical .. your voice sounds great man .. cool music too!! Super cool bro :O:W:D +1
June 8, 2023 at 1:19 PM
BooDoggie Certainly no master boomstick operator masterpiece, but I'll take the compliment :W +1
June 8, 2023 at 6:28 PM
Ernie440 Most tunes that are well known and catchy aren't performed by advanced jazz players. You did good IMO .. really good!!! :W +1
truly good! :Y :W fantastic +1
June 8, 2023 at 1:20 PM
BooDoggie Thanks brother... :W +0
Good composition that's well produced. The lyrics are good and your voice is in tune. Delivery could have more "attitude" that tells the story. +1
June 8, 2023 at 1:18 PM
BooDoggie Thanks Wade... I'm afraid that this all the attitude that my voice could muster. :W +1
June 8, 2023 at 9:40 PM
Wade It's not about singing louder. Read your lyrics and pretend you're an actor and saying this to your partner/wife/lover. You wouldn't need to be screaming, but would have inflections in delivering those words. it's no different in singing. The object is to communicate the words so that the listener gets the message, not just notes with bland words. I was a singer and a singing coach many years ago. Practice any song by saying the lyrics as an actor would, then bring that to the music. Listen to the best blues singers and you'll always hear this.

You asked for critical comments. Now it's over to you. Music is always about communication. The more effectively we can do that the better the music.
June 9, 2023 at 2:33 PM
BooDoggie Thanks again... I fully understand what you are saying here, and it makes good sense. I have never really been a singer. I have done backup vocals and harmony bits, but I never really felt that I could sing well enough to be a lead singer. +1
Bravo! Catchy composition. Musical.😀 +1
June 9, 2023 at 2:34 PM
BooDoggie Thanks my friend... :W +0

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