Looking for...Draft 1

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United States
flavien13 31 jams
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+ 3
Feb 1, 2023
so i made the initial segment for this piece almost within minutes of downloading music maker last year, yes i'm quite pleased with myself, and more recently did the repeats on it as i've been figuring out where i want to go with this as a song, which i have. but since that will be a long process probably, working in between a hundred other grown-up (aka bull**it) things that need doing, i thought i would put it out there ...
Harley Benton TE-52 NA Vintage Series
Harley Benton TE-52 NA Vintage Series
Electric Guitar
159 €
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Keep plugging away flavien, there's potential there. +1
February 2, 2023 at 8:41 AM
flavien13 thanks, man. :) it's the first music i've ever made. kinda like a little kid with a new toy. woohooooo...... +1
A cool track <3:D:W +1
February 2, 2023 at 8:36 AM
flavien13 thanks tu. it was fun putting it together. :D +1
a great composition flavien.;)I have used MM since 1998 i like it very much. +1
February 3, 2023 at 8:40 AM
flavien13 thanks nils. i haven't gotten to play with it much since i did this piece. the program is interesting, i just poked around it without reading much of anything so i'm sure there's lots more to learn. now i know who to hit up if i run into a problem with it :D. +1

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