Free Market Shook Me All Night Long

PJE 3873 jams
United States
rootshell 1591 jams
Remix step II
United States
JoeOnBass 1519 jams
no additional instruments available so far
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+ 2
Jan 4, 2021
Really cool track Rootshell and PJE, thanks for a fun jam.
Tagged as / Sounds like:
80's, rock
Harley Benton TE-52 NA Vintage Series
Harley Benton TE-52 NA Vintage Series
Electric Guitar
159 €
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Perfect. It's as if you were a professional studio bassist or something. +1
January 4, 2021 at 7:43 PM
JoeOnBass I was, but Los Angeles is very competitive. +1
January 4, 2021 at 8:53 PM
DirkL Through relativity, there is no competition now. You don't feel like you're a dime per dozen now, do you? +1
January 4, 2021 at 10:13 PM
JoeOnBass There's no feeling of any kind related to that here. I'm discovering a group of incredibly creative talents that don't have to operate under someone else's umbrella. We just get to create, together, and hear EVERYONE's different take on a piece with no judgement, just enjoyment. It's thoroughly liberating to hear what other people are hearing on a track and to learn from a different perspective. You can't buy that kind of insight on music. I know, Berklee was expensive, and MI is more expensive. Wikiloops is simply the best opportunity a musician can find to expand on their passion to play and create music. I'm really blown away by it and I'm grateful to be accepted into the community with what I do. There are monster talents here that have abilities i can't dream of having, and they're kind can willing to celebrate everyones success. You couldn't ask for anything more. +1
January 4, 2021 at 11:38 PM
DirkL Inspiring and true words Joe. LOL at the Berklee part:D. I think what makes Wikiloops work for all skill levels is that everyone is polite. Whether real or not, people can upload their music without fear of harsh words, a nearly unheard of phenomenon across forms of social media. Here we have mostly ameteur musicians, and hobbyists, not all the music is actually good, like my stuff for example lol, but nobody makes rude and deflating comments as is typical of Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube. Those comment sections are brutal, people don't seem to have any filter or humanity. Somehow Wikiloops users instinctively know not to criticize. Either compliment or move on. I love that about Wikiloops, and I know many people who improve and become good players would have quit if there was harsh feedback in the comments. Anyway, really cool listening to your polished bass, and brilliantly done hair metal basslines. +1
January 5, 2021 at 3:33 AM
JoeOnBass Knowing there is a place where early career musicians can interact and be creative with positive feedback is a blessing. This is an amazing way to grow a skillset, something I struggle with every day, and that's with a lifetime career in music. I really just hammer out a song in the first hour I hear it and create a melody, sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bleh. What you hear is typically a first take, and if you listen closely, it's all riddled with mistakes (except the stuff i did with Marcello and Alice Leonz, I worked on that.) I hear people like Ernie and KaiBass, and even YOU and people who can slap waaaay better than I can dream of, and lay down simpler foundations that just work and it inspires me to keep doing things that make melody. I suffer from often trying to pull back from doing too much, that typically goes away if i sit on the song for a couple of days but i get excited about a list of 100's of tracks I want to play to and i start rushing through them, lol, first world problems I guess. I appreciate all the positivity, the real world of this industry is full of negativity. it's hard to be comfortable and do this "professionally," like, for a living. it's just hard due to all the social aspects and online hatred toward talents. Everyone was a beginner once, and i don't see anyone here as amateur, everyone here is doing more with a single inclusion than half the dudes in bands in Los Angeles. Nothing amateur about that, this really seems to be where musicians get to really be musicians, and it's incredible. There is real creativity on this website, I don't know how I found it, but I'm hooked. +1
January 5, 2021 at 10:23 PM
DirkL Joe I have appreciated your strong positive vibe and support +1
January 5, 2021 at 11:03 PM
JoeOnBass You're the best Dirk. In regards to music, I believe everyones creativity should have a platform and i want to celebrate everyones efforts. Michael Anthony made great tunes with a single string, but then he played mean Street. Duck Dunn played a 1-5 for his entire career and his music is fantastic. No one should ever be made to feel incompetent due to being young in their career. Wikiloops and the community of artists is amazing for that. And you're awesome by the way. +1
January 5, 2021 at 11:48 PM
DirkL Many thanks Joe. With support like this we all improve and have no pressure while we have fun.:) +0
I missed this remix, this is super cool Joe :W knowing the Joe I hear now, did you hold back on this one? +0
June 9, 2021 at 5:13 PM
JoeOnBass Not sure. I usually just play what I hear on the first listen through, I guess that's what I heard. Still an awesome guitar track!! +1
June 9, 2021 at 5:25 PM
rootshell maybe you got me spoiled then lol you usually throw in some stuff :D I'm getting used to hearing those on your tracks I guess haha. bitchin add as always Joe <3 +1
June 9, 2021 at 5:38 PM
JoeOnBass Thanks Nick. It's funny, last night I couldn't find the groove, then at 10:00 I heard that gospel blues piece I uploaded and I suddenly found the urge. Didn't get to sleep until midnight - worth every moment of sleep I missed. :-) I do really love a daily Wikiloops adventure. +1
June 9, 2021 at 5:41 PM
rootshell it's kind of crazy, this whole Wikiloops stuff, so much great music and musicality going on...i love the shares i get to hear from other people, they blow me away, especially if it's a different style...always an adventure...and you always provide an adventurous road Joe :W +1
June 9, 2021 at 7:30 PM
JoeOnBass I appreciate you Nick. This website has expanded my capabilities far beyond what years of woodshedding alone could ever have done. I willingly go outside of the "bassists shell" to experiment and even on the local Los Angeles scene, my phone has been ringing for gigs just because people get to hear me playing. It's a complete benefit to my continued growth as a bass player. I wish I had all those years back as a teen to really take advantage of the potentials I passed up on. I was surrounded by the best musicians in the world and I really took that for granted. Hindsight is 20/20 I guess, no regrets allowed - just play in the years I have left. +1
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