If I Could Be...

United States
sami 111 jams
United States
flavien13 31 jams
Remix step II
Drums & Mixer:
DanDiplo 288 jams
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+ 9
Dec 4, 2020
This is such a great track from Sami with beautifully worded and phrased vocals from Flavien. I love the simple, straightforward nature of the track and the plaintive yet emotive vocal that really speaks to me. I just wanted to give the track a tiny polish and clean up the vocals a touch and also drop in some (programmed) drums in the hope it might attract more musicians. Please give all credit to Sami and Flavien for this wonderful composition.
Tagged as / Sounds like:
Folk Lyrical Story
Ernie Ball 2221 Regular Slinky Gitarrensaiten
Ernie Ball 2221 Regular Slinky Gitarrensaiten
Saitensatz für E-Gitarre
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Much better!!! Love it!! Thank you!! :) +1
December 5, 2020 at 5:07 AM
flavien13 i heard that, sami! :o i may have sung a little high, but i held my notes, and I didn't... crack. oh, SNAP!:o just teasing man, i love ya! :D<3:D +1
Excellent Dan! +1
this sounds real nice Dan :) nice track fellas :) +0
i was going to use demian's version, but a rehearsal or two showed me that my song was a little too long and i needed to create my own timing, and his drums made that a little awkward, but that said, i love your work and i love the touch of reverb and the echo. i thought about reverbing a bit, but that would have diminished the rawness. but this here is like the radio version - CO-O-O-L, man! <3 :) +0
December 4, 2020 at 9:04 PM
flavien13 more awesome on headphones! +0
December 4, 2020 at 9:45 PM
DanDiplo Yeah, I only use a very short plate reverb (and occasional bits of echo) for that reason - I didn't want to diminish the rawness, but just smooth it a little. But it's great to have multiple versions to play with! +1
December 5, 2020 at 3:51 AM
flavien13 :) +0
Very nice mix and drum that you added Dan. Yes, it's a simple, beautiful song by Sami and Flavien that I also like to listen to. You gave the song a nice shine here. Really great done. I like it;)<3:Y +0
a fantastic drumming and a cool mix Dan.;) +0

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