
Offfocus 422 jams
Drums & Percussion:
peatric 594 jams
adu 638 jams
Bass & Guitar:
peatric 594 jams
Remix step IV
Uloisius 750 jams

available remixes:

+ 18
Jun 9, 2020
[img]https://media.giphy.com/media/EiO0d5vsZSaZO/giphy.gif[/img] offfocus, peatric & adu, dear people ... what I was happy when I finally found this great track of you three, your music screwed into my brain the first time and I couldn't figure it out, me felt that I have to react somehow ;o) The music is so cool and so "laid back" that at first I didn't know exactly how to tackle it, I was looking for the seventh part of my little "Sapiens project" and according to the ...
Tagged as / Sounds like:
kapital, geld, money, cash, #Sapiens
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KLasse Uli, dein Gesang und deine Texte sprechen für sich.....Class Uli, your singing and your lyrics speak for themselves<3:W +2
June 10, 2020 at 8:35 AM
Uloisius Freut mich sehr das dir "Das Kapital" gefällt ;o) Die Vorlage von euch drei ist einfach super, sie hat mich irgendwie sofort gehookt und ich bekam es nicht mehr aus dem Kopf ... ;o) +1
sehr cooler song und sehr gut gesanglich interpretiert!B) +1
June 10, 2020 at 8:11 AM
Uloisius Ganz lieben Dank Klaudia, freut mich sehr das dir "Das Kapital" gefällt ;o) +0
Ulo...do you have about $500 until friday?

Money is a pretty bird.
It is first attracted to a person who it saw happy and perhaps appreciates it beauty enough to realize the bird's prettiness and beauty must be shared with others who will also share and appreciate its beauty.
The pretty bird is only concerned that whom it visits appreciates it beauty and allows it to come and go as it pleases. When the bird visits and shares its affection, it does not care nor see earthly definitions of bad or good. It simply wants to please those who show it proper affection without restrictions.

If the person obsesses over it ,and loves it too much, it will disappear because it feels trapped.
If the person hates or envys people who also have the affection of the pretty bird, it gets offended and leaves because the pretty bird enjoys those peoples company.
The pretty bird will keep returning if you share its prettiness with people you care about and encourage them to not trap it for themselves, or insult it.Be kind with the pretty bird but let it be free.It will always return without fail.
June 10, 2020 at 8:07 AM
Uloisius This is a nice and philosophical legend about money. An innocent bird that flies here and there where he likes it and where it is valued. The money itself is also innocent, it depends on what you make of it or with it. So far so good. But that it flies away again when a person is obsessed with it and comes back again and again when you love it selflessly, I think the catch with this story, therefore large parts of the world population would be greedy, self-centered narcissists to whom simply being a bird does not want to come while a very small number of people are particularly selfless and the little bird flies to them again and again, of all to the representatives of large finance who are not exactly innocent with their activities due to the decline of the world. Sorry, but this view would be too one-sided for me. You can stop the hunger in the world with money but you can just as well cover the world with war and terror, capital is simply a form of stored energy that can be used (almost) universally. To your question at the beginning: Unfortunately I can not send you 500 dollars until Friday, the little bird has not shown up to me yet ... but I could send you a large portion of friendship, would that be a little help ;o) +1
June 11, 2020 at 4:18 AM
LittleWing Ulo you are ALWAYS my friend. +1
As always you make us think!!! +1
June 10, 2020 at 8:33 AM
Uloisius As always, it is an honor to be able to welcome you as a listener and commentator on a song, I am always really happy about your reactions. The "Sapiens Project" is slowly taking on recognizable forms, at the moment it is practically halftime, I now have 7 of 14 planned songs in the box. You know it from football, but the second half can still hold many dangers, but I am very confident ;o) +1
Widerum hast du wieder ein schöner Text und deine Wunderbare Stimme hinzugefügt Uli great job friend <3;) +1
June 10, 2020 at 12:02 PM
Uloisius Ganz lieben Dank Charli, freut mich sehr das es dir gefallen hat ;o) +1
Klasse Uli ;) +1
June 10, 2020 at 7:45 PM
Uloisius Vielen lieben Dank adu, war mir eine Ehre mal wieder mit dir zusammen zu musizieren ;o) +1
Wonderful Ulo and your words truly sum up the way of the world......maybe naive, but I still remain convinced that music and song is far more precious and longer lasting than gold:W:) +1
June 11, 2020 at 8:50 AM
Uloisius I'm sure your impression is less naive but more native and natural ;o)
And no, gold and money are not worth more than music and singing, wouldn't it be a poor world if it really were?
In addition, as far as I know, the first coins were in Lydia about 2600-2700 years ago, so music and singing are probably more long-lived anyway than singing and making music has certainly been done before (just read on wikipedia that the oldest found musical instruments are flutes whose age is estimated to be around forty thousand years, from this point of view we musicians are all arch-conservative traditionalists ;o)
Thank you for listening to me, music (and the associated chants and lyrics) want to be heard after all ;o)
Thank you for your great comment ;o)
June 11, 2020 at 12:45 PM
PJE Incredible to think forty thousand years...I thought I was primitive being a drummer Lol....seriously though the history is fascinating. I am glad you make and share your wonderful thoughtful creative songs and we feel the same about music :) +1
Hey Uli, das ist ja der Hammer! So cool gesungen, so ein klasse Text! Und die Stimmung des Templates perfekt umgesetzt .. Sehr sehr cool, Danke, dass Du dazugestiegen bist, Uli!! +1
June 11, 2020 at 9:15 AM
Uloisius Vielen lieben Dank offfocus ;o) Arbeite ja seit einiger Zeit an meinem kleinen "Sapiens-Projekt" und in diesem Kontext habe ich auch diesen Text geschrieben, wenn du darüber mehr erfahren möchtest, gerne über pn ;o)
Freut mich sehr das du mir zugehört hast und dir der Track gefällt ;o)
June 11, 2020 at 10:36 PM
Offfocus Hi Uli, auf jeden Fall will ich mehr erfahren üner SAPIENS .. das hört sich spannend an!! Aber was zur Hölle ist pn???
June 13, 2020 at 10:07 PM
Uloisius pn kenne ich als Kürzel für "Private Nachricht!, ich dachte das wäre allgemein bekannt ;o) +0
June 14, 2020 at 12:20 AM
Offfocus :) Ist es bestimmt auch .. nur ich habs mal wieder übersehen :) Bin gespannt!! +1
Lenny Cowler
super:) +1
June 11, 2020 at 9:15 AM
Uloisius Ganz lieben Dank Lenny ;o) +0
Und wie das Spass macht! Wieder ein Highlight von Dir. Ein polarisierendes Thema, so entspannt umschreiben, das ist Kunst:):) +1
June 12, 2020 at 8:41 PM
Uloisius Ganz lieben Dank für die Blumen lieber Pewi ;o) Aber Kunst ... das ist für mich was ganz großes, großartiges, so sehe ich mich nicht. Eher so: kann man sich anhören, ganz o.k., nicht schlecht ... ;o) +1
June 12, 2020 at 9:28 PM
Pewi Du scheinst jemand zu sein, der sich gerne an Orten bewegt, wo Platz ist, Platz sich zu entfalten, Platz genug, einmal die Dinge aus einer anderen Perspektive an zu schauen, und in der heutigen Zeit hat es definitiv mehr Platz unter dem Scheffel als auf dem selben:) +0
June 13, 2020 at 7:35 AM
Uloisius Hier unter dem Scheffel ist noch jede Menge Platz, eng ist es auf jeden Fall nicht ;o) Ich mache jetzt schon so lange Musik und schreibe Texte (seit ich 12 war) und eigentlich hat es nie irgend jemanden interessiert. Ich produziere und schreibe so vor mich hin und habe mich längst damit abgefunden das es am Ende, wenn überhaupt nur eine Hand voll Leute interessiert, mittlerweile kein Problem mehr für mich. Ich selbst bin ja mit meinen Sachen ganz zufrieden und solange dies so ist, ist es für mich ok. Umso mehr freut es mich das ein so erfahrener und versierter Musiker wie du mit meinem Krempel etwas anfangen kann ;o) Vielen Dank für dein ehrliches Interesse ;o) +1
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