The American Dream is Dead

United States
Saxophone & Saxophone:
GemmyF 973 jams
ericblom 611 jams
Remix step II
United States
Saxophone & Saxophone:
Woxbox 205 jams
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+ 4
Jul 26, 2019
This track somehow suggested recent events to me, so I layered on some sound bites.
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The Timeline in this article is really a Great Work!
Shows what crimes of treason will be payed for. Not CNN -- MSNBC Snippets:|
July 26, 2019 at 9:23 AM
kucho we think we have choise but were choosing from what ever they give us :o +2
July 26, 2019 at 1:56 PM
GemmyF hey kucho if you'd read the list of treasonous acts on the spread sheet on my link --- makes one wonder how can these people get away with what they do and there is no retribution......Servants of the people have become multi-millionaires off our backs --- I don't mind people being able to make money --- but when WE THE PEOPLE are the ones who pay the bills let these criminals get away with what they do........well............oh a brief media groups about cats reach into the 150 million users.......yet no one REALLY cares...... about whether we will have a country and if we will turn into a 3rd world fiasco.....maybe that's simpler...go back to the Stone Age....... I used to long for that.......but I think 1984 (the brainwashing and the breaking down of backbone of USA citizens)combined with the reliance on the grid FOR EVRYTHING has made us prisoners.....Prison Planet...with Satanic Rulers and Under Lords..... Depressing but true. +1
July 26, 2019 at 2:03 PM
GemmyF I mean I couldn't have made this template without the grid....couldn't have been able to upload and have Eric Boom add his beautiful musical play with out the grid....Woxbox wouldn't have been able to cherry-pick Donald Trump 's words and Ilhan's and AOC's without the Grid......But the 3rd world hell hole maybe soon our destiny due to my previous post......But hey, we should be nice , RR while we're going there, because our children are watching.....When the food runs out and the lights are off....then what will they see.....I THINK HollyPerve has made Tons of films of that kind of scenario......but as long as they are at the top of the Heap of collapse ---- they are fine.......Soon[we hope] there will be videos of the things the Satanists are doing in the dark (our Overlords) -- to the c_ _ _ _ _ _ n and those people will not be able to walk on the streets. Due to what they are doing habitually and to us the lowly common folk +1
July 26, 2019 at 2:19 PM
GemmyF one more word -- 2016 I watch the whole thing --- Trump was America's choice --- even though the media was and is almost 100% against him --- But if anyone watched his speeches and his rallies they were overflowing with average Americans even Artistic Americans, Creative Americans, Americans of all colors and origination points from around the world. I my self AM of American Indian Descent.....not like bold face liars claim....they are...but let's go back to the cats page......because WE LIKE WARM AND FUZZYS and don't really want to think and pursue, or keep, or hope that the Swamp of the Satanic Overlords would be removed NO Matter the [D] or [R] or whatever Amash is now name people call themselves. +1
July 26, 2019 at 3:56 PM
Ernie440 HILDABEAST 2020!!!! :O:D +1
July 27, 2019 at 5:04 PM
kucho <3 +1
July 27, 2019 at 5:06 PM
kucho :W +1
July 27, 2019 at 5:06 PM
kucho :W<3 +1
July 27, 2019 at 5:09 PM
GemmyF :o<3 +1
July 27, 2019 at 5:11 PM
Ernie440 Clinton's are still running the show anyway .. picking people off whom they don't like .. she might as well lead you poor Americans inTO the light ... THE LIGHT OF SATAN!! :O LOL Kuru-azy brah!! +2
Very cool and very modern! I must say, I cant stand hearing that voice anymore. I believe over saturation will end him (among everything else), lets hope it is not to late! B) +1
July 26, 2019 at 2:45 PM
GemmyF then you should go back to Eric Blom's add to my template -- so as not to hear Orange Man Bad being Cherrypicked ---- It is quite a piece---- but at least coming here you got to hear RR!!!! He is nice! +1
July 26, 2019 at 2:46 PM
GemmyF Has 37 listens -- travesty --- peeps must be watching the Cat Channel -- +1
July 26, 2019 at 2:49 PM
GemmyF funny too cause even the people that add to this aren't liking it? That's not even RR nice.....the children are watching. +0
Cool I dedicate this song to AOC LOL

July 26, 2019 at 5:34 PM
GemmyF Cortez must have been looking into an empty parking lot and crying! Killah Brah!!!! Some great Guitar here! +1
July 26, 2019 at 5:45 PM
Ernie440 yeah that was a crazy vid!! Neil .. a proud Canadian until he married Daryl Hannah ... GACK!! +1
July 26, 2019 at 7:03 PM
GemmyF Before or after all the freaky face augmentation and BOTOXing she did to herself? Whatever happened to growing old naturally? +1
July 26, 2019 at 7:06 PM
Ernie440 I dunno man :@ +0
Incredible!!!!!!!!!!! Very cool!!!!! Too true!!!!! Man, you play a mean guitar!!!! +1

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