Tuesday blues boogie
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Probably the best real blues template i have heard on wikiloops. Got a vocal line for it later, which fits with the the bassline in the chorus. Great track, love this type of blues, raw and ready.
7 years ago

a very very cool bass Basallan,waiting anxiously for vocals,thanks so much for joining me one this boogie,and for the kind words...
7 years ago

Blues backing tracks with Drums, Bass and Guitar:
At Exactly Midnight -
It's hard to be someone
Slow Dance with my Bel Air
~ Frenzies Boogie Time Out ~
Babba's blues
Funk the Blues
- Smokin' Blue -
105 Simonymous Blues Breaker
Waking The Cat
You Left Me
Babba's Blues Jam
Easter Ham Jam Take II
Love You Blues
Sliding Down Highway 61
Shook and Stirred
low and slow!
Aces and Eights
Blues_Jam_by_RobH and MrAdamOnDrums manfredo on bass
Blues Ballad
Saturday Blues
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