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  1. January 5, 2012
    Reggae jam feat. Rich on Guitar Track # 2807
    reggae challenge missing drums
  2. January 5, 2012
    Reggae jam feat. Rich on Guitar Track # 2804
    another straight reggae thing... got some part changes for the ambitious bassists :)
    by Rich & Baer
  3. October 30, 2011
    Reggae jam feat. Rich on Acoustic Guitar Track # 1984
    someone up for acoustic reggae?
    by Rich & Baer
  4. October 15, 2011
    Jazz-Rock jam feat. Rich on Acoustic Guitar Track # 1850
    fripp style on an old acoustic with two strings left
  5. August 7, 2011
    Rock jam feat. Rich on Guitar Track # 1208
    stollin to unknown territory - shred git needs solo now!
  6. July 31, 2011
    Reggae jam feat. Rich on Guitar Track # 1181
    reggae basics on grey sunday...
    by Rich & Baer
  7. July 30, 2011
    Funk jam feat. Rich on Guitar Track # 1179
    workin on ma funk strum..
    by Rich & MrAdamOnDrums
  8. June 3, 2011
    Funk jam feat. Rich on Guitar Track # 913
    no one said only drummers are allowed to loooooop
  9. May 30, 2011
    Unplugged jam feat. Rich on Guitar Track # 904
    doin the easy weasle - I hear some hooklines in my head, but I'll leave it to you to play em ;-)
  10. May 22, 2011
    Ska jam feat. Rich on Guitar Track # 872
    gettin another ska jam going...jibbedyjumpastyle!
    by Rich & Baer
  11. May 20, 2011
    Reggae jam feat. Rich on Guitar Track # 863
    two part up tempo reggae template missing a bass
    by Rich & Baer
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