About this album
Wikiloops helps me a lot learning to play bandoneon. Not tango at all, but the instrument has such a unique sound, why restrict it to tango (by the way, I love tango). Thanks to all the talented musicians playing in these wonderful songs! All songs are played on a ELA 152-tones tango bandoneon, except "Don't be sad" (played on a 1898 build 100-tones single reed bandoneon) and "It's snow again" (played on a ELA 144-tones Einheitsbandonion triple reed). Some special sound in "And now f. someth. compl. different" (added some Crunch Guitar/Double Brit Phase (thanks to the Apple company :)) and played with pedals and buttons) created by bleymehl on Feb 9, 2016
Thumbs: 17
Listened: 4440 times
Involved artists
Wikiloops helps me a lot learning to play bandoneon. Not tango at all, but the instrument has such a unique sound, why restrict it to tango (by the way, I love tango). Thanks to all the talented musicians playing in these wonderful songs! All songs are played on a ELA 152-tones tango bandoneon, except "Don't be sad" (played on a 1898 build 100-tones single reed bandoneon) and "It's snow again" (played on a ELA 144-tones Einheitsbandonion triple reed). Some special sound in "And now f. someth. compl. different" (added some Crunch Guitar/Double Brit Phase (thanks to the Apple company :)) and played with pedals and buttons) created by bleymehl on Feb 9, 2016
Thumbs: 17
Listened: 4440 times
Involved artists
What a wonderful album!
+1Review by wjl on Sep 8, 2020
Just heard this as the 'album of the day' today, and indeed - this made my day. Wonderful! Instant download, instant follower, looking forward to play with some of Bleymehl's tracks
Glad I didn't mis it
+1Review by Navota on Sep 8, 2020
What a surpice when I opend you cd while waking up wonderful sound and songs.Hope I can join you one mabey on day
Dream of sound!!
+1Review by Mickey on Mar 2, 2018
Hab jetzt das erste mal mehere songs von Dir konzentrierter gehört.Klasse gemacht Jörg!!!
Excellent body of work
+1Review by PaulBOwens on Sep 11, 2016
Well done Bleymehl and all the excellent musicians for this beautiful work
The Sound of A Time Gone By...
+1Review by glennp on Sep 11, 2016
While listening to your album, I feel that I have been taken back in time. I feel that I am enjoying a sound track to a movie set in 1940's Europe. The sound of your instrument has a haunting calmness to it, this in my mind is a good thing. The selection of tracks you chose to play on are a perfect fit your the Bandoneon and your style of playing.Having such accomplished musicians by your side only adds to the overall beauty of the music.
This is well done and I enjoyed the listen.
This is well done and I enjoyed the listen.
Sehr sehr Geil Jörg!!!
+1Review by adu on Sep 11, 2016
Ich liebe die klaren Töne und das melancholische Spiel.
Tolles Album
Tolles Album
thx for this
+1Review by earlsteven on Feb 29, 2016
this is amazing stuff,its outstanding, not mainsteam, i cant stop hearing
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