Fireplace Songs

About this album
Here some songs for a winterday enjoyed making them and want to thank all of you for sharing your music. I'm very lucky that I can play together with such talented musicians.
created by
on Jan 5, 2020
Thumbs: 9
Listened: 1662 times
Involved artists
Here some songs for a winterday enjoyed making them and want to thank all of you for sharing your music. I'm very lucky that I can play together with such talented musicians.

Thumbs: 9
Listened: 1662 times
Involved artists

flying in the wind
+2Review by ERWAN on Jan 5, 2020
Beautiful collection where Navota's flute makes the link between each track. i'm glad to have met you on Wikiloops my friend

Many Thanks Navota
+2Review by kmoon235 on Jan 5, 2020
Thanks Navota for including me among the outstanding musicians-like you-on this album-I am truly honored my friend.

Beautiful Flute Music
+1Review by Ernie440 on Jan 6, 2020
Always enjoy your adds Navota and this album is a nice collection of your work .. also proud to be playing on 3 of these tunes with you!!

Review by StJray on Jan 6, 2020
Hey Navota, Bravo for these magnificent collaborations and thank you for having selected one of mine. Congratulation to all participants! Ray

Thx ...
+0Review by PianomanHL on May 28, 2020
Thank you for beeing part of this wonderful Album..!
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Para mi significa, la revelacion de que puedo "hablar" con musicos de todo el mundo en este idioma que todos conocemos LA MUSICA!!!