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Herzlichen Dank allen Musikern! created by jamlady on Nov 18, 2020
Thumbs: 10
Listened: 342 times
Involved artists
Herzlichen Dank allen Musikern! created by jamlady on Nov 18, 2020
Thumbs: 10
Listened: 342 times
Involved artists
+1Review by Mickey on Nov 19, 2020
When I hear you both I always have to think of Sesame Street, where the difference between big and small was explained. I am small You are tall No envy but humility. I can feel that It is a pleasure for me to dream together with musicians like you here on Wikiloop And send our music out A big movie theater!! In full humility Mickey Wenn ich Euch beide höre muss ich immer an die Sesamstrasse denken, wo der Unterschied zwischen Gross und Klein erklärt worden ist. Ich bin klein ihr seid gross Kein Neid sondern Demut. Das kann ich fühlen Es ist mir ein Vergnügen mit solchen Musikern wie ihr es seid, hier auf Wikiloop zusammen zu träumen und unsere Musik hinaus zu senden Ganz grosses Kino!! In voller Demut Mickey
Heel mooi
+1Review by Navota on Nov 19, 2020
Wonderful album love the your music always inspires my a great combination with the other artist
+1Review by ERWAN on Nov 19, 2020
I'm still in awe of your cello feeling. it's a pleasure for me to let mine rest while listening to this album and just hear you playing.Glad to be involve in this album
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